Light and Heat, Truth and Zeal

God is glorified not only by His glory's being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. When those that see it delight in it, God is more glorified than if they only see it... He that testifies his having an idea of God's glory [doesn't] glorify God so much as he that testifies also his approbation of it and his delight in it (Jonathan Edwards, Miscellany #448).

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Seeker-Driven Church Humor



  • At 19/2/06 5:32 PM, Blogger Correy said…

    Very Clever.

  • At 5/3/06 8:24 AM, Blogger Jenny said…

    Thanks for your comment, Dan! I will make sure to let Julianne know. She is a really popular girl I guess! With all this people wanting her to go places. Anyway, thanks for checkin out my blog, and being my new blog buddy! haha later.

  • At 6/3/06 10:15 PM, Blogger carson said…


    I love MacArthur's zeal for truth and his powerful expository preaching. It was "The Gospel According to Jesus" that lead me to the Doctrines of Grace. However, if you think about it his premill dispensational stance within reformed circles is very abnormal. Even most Reformed Baptist like Al Mohler, John Piper, and James R White have left the dispensational ship long ago to sink in the water. Heck even Hank Hanegraaff, Norm Geisler's stooge saw the light.

    I guess I can't blame MacArthur though, how many years did he spend at Talbot having Left Behind Theology beat into his head?

    Over half of the Masters Seminary profs have graduated from Talbot or Dallas Theological Seminary.Not one from Westminster or a Covenent teaching seminary.

    Out of the six Bible teaching profs at the Masters College three of them have graduated from Westminster, but they are only teach counceling. Just something to think about. I'm sure you guyes dont plan on using John Gerstner's "Wrongly Deviding the Word of Truth" for a text book anytime soon.

  • At 6/3/06 10:20 PM, Blogger carson said…

    One more thing, my good friend, and former b.c.c.goer Brent brought up a real good point to me in an e mail the other day

    Shouldn't credo baptists be evangelizing their children instead of praying with them? Think about it, Should the children of believers (or even one believer) be looked upon in the same way as those who belong to the world - no different from any other unregenerate child, a common unbeliever? Or should the children of believers be looked upon as set apart from the world unto God - members of the visible community formed by God's saving covenant? In short, are the children of believers viewed by God as part of the defiled world or as part of the church on earth?

  • At 7/3/06 9:09 AM, Blogger Truth and Zeal said…

    I'm not a dispensationalist (or at least not yet) and I have not really explicitly claimed to be one. I have not studied it indepthly to take an official theological position on that topic. Even MacArthur is not a complete dispensationalist. As Phil Johnson noted, "MacArthur calls himself a 'leaky dispensationalist', meaning he rejects any and all 'dispensational' soteriological innovations, holding to classic Reformed (i.e., Protestant, not "covenantal") soteriology. MacArthur's 'dispensationalism' is eschatological and ecclesiological only."

    As for your Credo-Baptist question, I will have to get back to you on that topic, when time permits.

  • At 7/3/06 7:38 PM, Blogger carson said…

    Good one T&Z Leaky dispensationlist

  • At 10/3/06 2:03 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    You should post something else, You haven't posted in weeks!! Crazy! Well I'm talking to you on AIM right now so LATER

  • At 13/3/06 1:15 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    Thanks for helping me today, I'd still like to talk more about it with you, it's a feeling that seems to have taken over me, it's nice to know there is someone I can talk to about it that has a lot of wisdom, at least compared to the people I'm around usually! :-)

  • At 14/3/06 6:56 AM, Blogger Julianne said…

    You need to post something. :)

  • At 11/4/07 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I think you've missed it. The cartoon is hay-larius. The pastor was preaching non-seeker-friendly sermons (about hell and sin), thus the "context" you were looking for is there. The pastor's face say's it all---he's not seeker friendly. The humor is that these bozo's who are relaying the info are portrayed as oblivious to the fact that such a message is ALWAYS going to make people feel uncomfortable (always has and always will), and are also naive enough to think they are going to "help" the pastor by enlightening him with this epiphany. Get it?


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