Light and Heat, Truth and Zeal

God is glorified not only by His glory's being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. When those that see it delight in it, God is more glorified than if they only see it... He that testifies his having an idea of God's glory [doesn't] glorify God so much as he that testifies also his approbation of it and his delight in it (Jonathan Edwards, Miscellany #448).

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Cut to the Heart

Reformissionary on evangelicalism, homosexuality and the emergent church:

What about Peter (Acts 2) preaching to the crowds and saying YOU crucified this Jesus, and they were cut to the heart and responded, "What shall we do?" Maybe many homosexuals aren't asking, "What shall we do?" because they aren't cut to the heart. And maybe they aren't cut to the heart because we have equated being non-committal with being "pastoral."

The most pastoral thing we can do for someone who run with down the avenue of homosexuality (just like any sin) is help them be cut to the heart in a God-intended way, through the truth of their sin in comparison with truth of God's law...

... The answer for "emerging leaders" is not a moratorium on deciding, but boldness to take the Scriptures at face value and to approach sinners with a firm kindness that will lead them to repentance.

The complete article can be read here.


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